I feel like a lot of little things have been going on around here, but nothing big enough to warrant a post. So I think I am going to cram a bunch of little updates into one big post.
Let me start with LeiLeis' 'Funky Toe' as we like to call it. It is starting to bother her almost on a daily basis so I have been putting her in larger shoes just to try and cut down on the rubbing. Unfortunately I think that means surgery is in her future. We were at the Pediatricians office today (for JayJays well child, but she gives all the kids a once over every time we go in) and she could not get over the change just since the last time she saw it. I have been trying to put it off because I cant imagine that the recovery is going to be fun, and honestly I hate the idea that my baby girl is going to have surgery. Not a procedure we are talking full blown surgery. I am thinking I might have to ask my Mom to fly up and help us that week... Hint, Hint Mom...
This month we packed away JayJays baby blanket and to my amazement she never asked for it back. Since then her big sister LeiLei made the executive decision that her baby blanket also needed to be packed away. So we folded it up, gave it a kiss, and then packed it next to her sisters blanket. It is so odd to not have those two blankets laying around the house anymore, kind of sad actually.
Our weather continues to be gloomy with a side of gloomy. We have not seen the sun since?? I have no idea when. We are talking weeks probably since we have seen the sun. I am trying to cut back on the coffee, but lets be real I have three kids and no sunshine. So, its either coffee or whiskey. I guess I will stick to coffee, whiskey is just to darn expensive.. I have discovered these little treats... So if you own a Keurig I highly recommend you try these. Just don't blame me once you are hooked.
Our beloved Sammie dog is doing better. She is taking anti seizure medicine and it is really helping. She still seems weak, but I don't know if that is from the medicine or whatever it was that caused her Grand Mal Seizures. It has been a week since that horrible experience. Finally, just yesterday she was able to go outside and spend the day with her buddies. Our dogs don't mind spending the day outside during the middle of winter. Want to know why? They have access to our garage, and last year my Hubby installed a heater in the garage just to keep the dogs warm. Yes, we are those people. She looks a bit dopey in the picture for two reasons 1) she is 2) I woke her to take the picture...
I am still dealing with Medical Insurance junk. As of this morning the Emergency Physicians Network has placed my bill on hold (thank goodness). So hopefully this will give us some additional time because as of Feb. 1 they were going to turn us over to Collections. (For a bill that we do not owe)... This is the second time they have placed the bill on hold, which doesn't always happen, so I am grateful for that. Now I sit and wait and continue to make twice weekly calls to both the insurance company and the billing company.
On a much lighter note my addiction to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills might be over. They have spent a lot of time talking about witchcraft/ Wicca this season. Something I am totally against... So I might be gaining an hour a week to do more crafts...
I think that gets us pretty caught up. Now on to bigger and better things...
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