Monday, January 6, 2014

Did you know that Foster Children have a Bill of Rights?

Did you know that Foster Children have a Bill of Rights, ratified in Congress in 1973? Did you know that Foster Parents in 10 States also have a Bill of Rights? I will save that one for another day. It seems so simple and basic when you read through the Foster Childrens' Bill of Rights. It is sad to me that they even have to come up with such a thing. All Ten Articles are so simple and basic, and yet they have to be stated. I wish all Foster Parents took Fostering as seriously as we do. Every child that came (or comes) into our home was treated (or will be treated) no differently than if they were our biological child. It makes me sick to think that many Foster Children are removed from there homes for whatever horrific reason, and then sometimes placed in a Foster Home that is not much better. If only our country had the resources to provide a true safe spot for these kiddos. I wish more people would adopt from within our country to help ease the burden on the Foster Care System. For all of the Foster Kids out there, you do have Rights!

Even more than for other children, society has a responsibility, along with parents, for the well-being of children in foster care. Citizens are responsible for acting to insure their welfare.

Every child in foster care is endowed with the rights inherently belonging to all children. In addition, because of the temporary or permanent separation from, and loss of, parents and other family members, the child requires special safeguards, resources, and care.


Article the first be cherished by a family of his own, either his family helped by readily available services and supports to resume his care, or an adoptive family or, by plan, a continuing foster family.

Article the second be nurtured by foster parents who have been selected to meet his individual needs, and who are provided services and supports, including specialized education, so that they can grow in their ability to enable the child to reach his potentiality.

Article the third receive sensitive, continuing help in understanding and accepting the reasons for his own family's inability to take care of him, and in developing confidence in his own self worth.

Article the fourth receive continuing loving care and respect as a unique human being...a child growing in trust in himself and others.

Article the fifth grow up in freedom and dignity in a neighborhood of people who accept him with understanding, respect and friendship.

Article the sixth receive help in overcoming deprivation or whatever distortion in his emotional, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual growth may have resulted from his early experiences.

Article the seventh receive education, training, and career guidance to prepare for a useful and satisfying life.

Article the eighth receive preparation for citizenship and parenthood through interaction with foster parents and other adults who are consistent role models.

Article the ninth be represented by an attorney-at-law in administrative or judicial proceedings with access to fair hearings and court review of decisions, so that his best interests are safeguarded.

Article the tenth receive a high quality of child welfare services, including involvement of the natural parents and his own involvement in major decisions that affect his life.


  1. It should not even be a question that all children deserve to have a loving, stable home. They didn't ask to be brought into this world, and as adults, we all need to feel a sense of responsibility towards little ones. Love, Aunt Linda

  2. so true for every child... ILY


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