Tuesday, January 21, 2014

and so the process begins... I have begun the process of having our kids seen at our states Fetal Alcohol Clinic... Fetal Alcohol I fear you not!

Back in October I requested applications for all three of our kids from the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Clinic here in our state. We have one main clinic here in our state, and go figure it is on the other side of the state. I am just grateful that we have one. We are only talking about a 4.5 hour drive (assuming good weather and no pit stops) but with three littles you can easily tack on an additional hour. Oh the joys of parenthood!

The goal at the clinic is to evaluate individuals of all ages at risk for FASD, and to provide them with appropriate referrals for their care. They hold clinics on Fridays, and they are able to see two patients every Friday. So in theory if all of our kids are accepted that means we will be making two trips to be seen at the clinic. Two trips with three kids across the state and back, does not sound like much fun to me. Isn't it amazing what you will do for your kids?
I had been avoiding the application paperwork like the plague. You see it is 12 pages front and back per child. Finally about a week ago I dove into it. I knew it would be exhausting but I did not think it would drain me the way it has. I have had to open up my kids adoption boxes and go back through all of their paperwork. Here is what I have discovered in the past few days...

When adopting, and they present you with family "history" and medical records, even though you are reading it, you really are not processing it. You are in the "she is my baby" stage and nothing else matters. Don't get me wrong, it does not matter. But when you are in the "lets help my daughter" stage and you are reading the same paperwork, it changes how you process all of it. I was much more upset and emotional when going through the files this time, then when they were first presented to me. It seems every time I have to go into their files I learn something new, and quite often disturbing.

That being said I am 95% complete with application #1, 50% complete on application #2, and still staring at application #3. I will be thrilled when these applications are sealed in a manila envelope and are in the mail.


  1. You are so brave and loving. I am so inspired by the steps you are willing to take to get your kids diagnosed early. I �� you, the kids and the puppies. Heather & Maddie, SD CGC PAT

    1. Thank you Heather... Early help means a better chance at a successful life for these guys. As far as the puppies are concerned, we might be cancelling our television service just to pay for Sammies seizure medicine... It is amazing what you will do for these guys...

  2. Meri, you are doing absolutely the right thing by your children. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the sooner rehabilitation can begin. Keep on truckin. Love, Aunt LInda


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