Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Have OCD... Obsesive Christmas Disorder

Some may call it an illness, a weakness, or just plain crazy...Whatever it is I have it! I was doing pretty good until hubs brought it to my attention (yesterday) that Sirius/XM Radio has already started playing Christmas music 24 hours a day on two different channels. Lets just say I am on a slippery slope with my OCD, Obsesive Christmas Disorder. I might not make it until Thanksgiving! Even with this illness, weakness, craziness I usually try to keep it at bay until the day after Thanksgiving. I don't think I will make it this year, I am already twitching (one of the first signs of this disorder). I know I am not the only one with this Disorder, so let me say this... Free yourself, let the world know you have OCD. Trust me once you get it off your chest you will sleep better at night!
Have a great Friday!!!


  1. Girl! I GOT it too...OCD! Usually I too start the day after Thanksgiving., but hmm idk I think the twitch is getting progressively worse! :) lol The hubby was not "overly excited" when I mentioned it to him today! :/ Of course the girls were on my side! More amo! One positive about it all is that it looks so beautiful with all the lights! AND the sooner its all up then you don't have to worry about it for a good month n a half! :) I love Christmas, coffee in the early mornings enjoying the twinkles on the tree and around the house decor. Most of all what it represents, CHRIST OUR LORD! Makes me have another twitch to start sooner!! :) ♡ Love hearing your stories! Xoxo -B

  2. Already?,,, oh my stars,,, I usually don't get my Christmas Bling-a-ding on until Turkey day.... and here is the funny thing, 2 of our neighbors here, already have their deco and lights on! I need to find my Holiday boxes (still not all unpacked) and get ready! :>) ILY


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