I know you have all heard the old saying 'Elephant in the Room'... Well I have an Elephant in the Room... It has been here for about 10 days, I see it every day, as a matter of fact all day every day, and yet I don't deal with it. You may remember that this past Spring we were struggling with the decision on whether or not we should send our kids back to Preschool... The ages in our home would make everyone a candidate for Preschool. We have one that turns 5 in September just missing that Kindergarten cut off, another turns 5 in January, and our youngest is 3. After great debate we felt that we needed to keep them all home for one more year. That also meant that I had to now take on the role of Teacher. Don't get me wrong, I was already doing that but now I have to up my game... Enter said elephant...
Then there comes that moment when you think... What did I agree to? When this box initially arrived I was so very excited. I felt like a kid at Christmas, I was truly excited. Lets just say it was short lived. By the time I had unpacked half of the box I was starting to break out into a cold sweat...
This can't possibly ALL be for preschool... Yet it is. I quickly placed all of it back in the box, which now sits on a coffee table in our living room. Summer is winding down (OK that was hard to admit) and I know I need to come to grips with this. It was a group decision after all, and I did have a 50% vote in getting us this elephant. Lets be real when we were making this decision I was sending kids off to Preschool 2 days a week, which gave me a bit of a break.... I have now had all three kids
under my feet I mean home for two
LONG I mean strait months. If I can handle all 3 kids home for the past two months, I can surely do this for another.... Really? I just did the math...12 months....... Send wine, quick!
sending wine ASAP! lol!